When it comes to hearing loss, a number of myths persist that reflect either antiquated beliefs or outdated technology. The truth is, today’s hearing devices are smaller than ever and packed with features that will complement your unique lifestyle. Let’s take a look at some of those myths and set the record straight!

Myth: Hearing loss affects only older people.
Fact: Hearing loss affects people of all ages, and is increasingly common in younger adults and children. Only 35 percent of those with a hearing loss are 65 or older.
Myth: If you are suffering from a hearing loss, you’re aware of it.
Fact: Hearing impairment develops so gradually, it may take you a long while to realize you are experiencing it.
Myth: Only very loud noises cause hearing loss.
Fact: Prolonged exposure to even moderately loud noises can lead to gradual damage of your ears.
Myth: Hearing aids make me look older.
Fact: Today’s hearing aids are small, sleek and discrete. Advances in design and technology have enabled some of them to be placed deep in the ear canals, making them completely invisible. In many cases, others will never know you’re even wearing a hearing aid.
Myth: Hearing aids won’t help with my hearing loss.
Fact: There are hearing aids designed for all levels of hearing loss. Modern hearing aids can help 90 percent of those suffering from hearing impairment, regardless of the degree of loss. Consult with your audiologist to determine which style is best for you.
Myth: Hearing aids are complicated to use.
Fact: Hearing aids are programmed easily based on your individual hearing preferences and lifestyle, and automatically adjust to different listening environments. They can wirelessly connect to entertainment and communication devices, offering flexibility and ease of control.
Myth: Hearing aids make everything too loud.
Fact: Today’s digital hearing aids are technologically sophisticated instruments that operate selectively, targeting only those frequencies you have trouble understanding for amplification. In fact, many hearing aids no longer have a volume control. Your audiologist will program the instrument for your individual needs.
Myth: Wearing two hearing aids is unnecessary.
Fact: We have two ears for a reason: they give us directional hearing so we can localize sounds, hear better in noisy settings, and improve natural sound quality. Most types of hearing loss affect both ears equally; nine out of 10 people with a hearing impairment will benefit from wearing two hearing aids.
Myth: Hearing aids will restore your hearing to normal levels.
Fact: Hearing aids won’t reverse or cure your hearing loss, but they do provide you with the ability to hear better and enable you to communicate more easily. Hearing aids can greatly improve the quality of your life.
Myth: Hearing aids will whistle in your ear.
Fact: Today’s modern digital hearing aids are able to distinguish the differences between speech and background noise, and successfully eliminate the whistling associate with older, analog devices in the past. To see our other hearing services, click here!
Call Sanjay Athavale, MD at (770) 217-6224 for more information or to schedule an appointment.